A Word from Pastor Sandy Adams
Calvary Chapel Deep South Senior Pastors,
In my four decades of being a pastor I’ve never lived through more challenging times than today. Yet this is what Jesus promised. As His return draws nearer perilous times will come. This makes opportunities for pastors to recharge and refocus that much more important.
There is a special camaraderie among men in our position. And when we make the effort to gather, iron sharpens iron. We need that interaction now more than ever. This is why we’re planning a senior pastors’ summit in the coming months. And we hope you’ll join us.
Due to our growing attendance, we’ll be hosting two identical Senior Pastors’ Summits in Shocco Springs, Alabama, east of Birmingham, with a choice of one of two dates. We’ll start with dinner on Monday and depart after breakfast on Wednesday. Arrive late afternoon and dinner will be at 5:30. Our first session starts at 7:00.
You can choose between December 9-11, 2024 – or – January 13-15, 2025. Max capacity for both will be capped at 20 persons.
The price for the Alabama Summits includes two nights of lodging, and five meals. You can register below.
Deadline to register for the December Summit is Monday, November 25, and Monday, December 30 for the January Summit. We encourage you to register early. Looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Summit.
In Christ,
Sandy Adams
Summit Cost
$250 – Single Occupancy
$175 – Double Occupancy
SUMMIT OPTIONS (20 capacity max for each):
December 9-11 (Mon-Wed)
(registration deadline Monday, November 25)
January 13-15 (Mon-Wed)
(registration deadline Monday, December 30)